This is really lovely. I'm not a sports fan, per se, but I do enjoy when people connect through sports. My dad was a huge sports fan, and I always enjoyed watching with him, or hearing about him watching with his brother and nephews :) I like the way you wrap up with questions! My emotional intelligence is, I think, pretty high. I didn't learn the term until fairly recently, but I've had my own journey with its elements. My mom definitely had strong mood & behavior disorders, significant enough that she couldn't hold a job. Nothing was ever diagnosed, but by the time I was a young adult, I had some things I really wanted to do differently. I was doing a lot of self-assessing for my own moods and behaviors, seeking out better coping mechanisms. I also wanted to get better at noticing others, responding to their cues, thinking of them first. I wanted to be a nicer person, a better person, and to form more healthy relationships with others - in the hopes that I could also have a more healthy family of my own one day! It's something I continue to work on, as a regular practice, and talk to my 3 teens about as well, so they can get an earlier start on it than me. Two of them have strong emotions like I do, while one has naturally milder emotions, and it's interesting for us all to notice and discuss the way that makes certain things easier or harder. Anyway, great prompts, looking forward to following more of your journey! I write Moments, photography + stories about moments of connection in nature & everyday life, if you like that sort of thing! :)

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Steve Henneberry

What a heartfelt journey, Steve. The impact of shared moments, even those centered around sports, on our emotional well-being is profound and deep. Wishing you continued moments of joy and connection with your loved ones.

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