Mar 5Liked by Steve Henneberry

Wow, Steve - how terrifying! What a beautiful illustration of receiving a message and acting on it in a supportive way. Cheering you on in your path of sobriety, and I love that line you're using when pressed by friends at social events.

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It is tough to argue against a baby. 😆

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Feb 6Liked by Steve Henneberry

What a scary experience that must have been. Wishing you the best with your sobriety journey!

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Thank you!

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I was struck and inspired by your willingness to change. I know you had a very good reason. Still, it was a reminder of those pivotal moments in life when we take a different road. And in the process change who we are.

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I have had reasons to quit drinking before, but this certainly was the most convincing. I am happy to have quit, and I don't think I will take the slippery slope of "enjoying just one or two on occasion." A hard stop seems the best route and has worked well so far.

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A great read and strong advice. I was once prescribed a drug that could kill me, it’s listed as an allergen and scarily I’ve been prescribed it more than once since!

I find the ‘just one beer’ very difficult to fight. Although I struggle using the word alcoholic as I feel too it does injustice to the struggles alcoholics go through, I certainly have a problem. Just one can lead to a struggle with my brain for weeks after, currently having this struggle after ‘one champagne for your birthday’ over two weeks ago.

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The body has an amazing way of talking to us and when it does we should always listen! A lesson too many of us choose to ignore

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Thank you for sharing this cautionary tale for others to reflect upon. It's clear that you've gained valuable insights from this experience, and your commitment to staying open to life's lessons is inspiring.

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